Interesting Indies

I admit, I don’t typically read indie-published books. Like many readers, I’ve been wary of the quality. But with the sameness of books published traditionally, I’m willing to venture out and try some indies. From what I hear, the quality has greatly improved . Today I’m over at Inkspirational Messages talking about a couple of indie-published books I’m looking forward …

More on Debut Novels

For those of you who enjoyed my series on debut novels, Author Heidi McCahan is now doing a month-long series around debut authors. You’ll find interviews and giveaways, plus Heidi found books / authors that weren’t included in my series. She’d love for you to stop by!

Gone With the Wind on the Big Screen!

It’s no secret that I love seeing movies on the big screen. I love the atmosphere, the surround sound, the comfort. Plus, watching a movie uninterrupted by the phone or family members is always a luxury. (Oh, and I enjoy movie theater popcorn too, btw.) So, when I learned that Gone With the Wind was celebrating its 75th Anniversary by showing …

Interview & Book Giveaway

Thank you to Aizess at Christian Book Review Blog for welcoming me! And she’s offering a book giveaway too. I’d love for you to stop by and say “Hi!”