Hungry for Home’s Christmas Playlist

While my latest release, Hungry for Home, is not a Christmas story, it does take place at Christmastime, and therefore it’s filled with references to popular Christmas music. You’d likely find this music on my hero and heroine’s Christmas playlist, which is always a work-in-progress. What’s on your Christmas playlist?

The Music of Memory Box Secrets

I’m blogging over at Inkspirational Messages today! For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been sharing whether we’re a “little bit country” or “a little bit rock ‘n roll.” I took a different path on this topic by sharing what type of music Sheila, my heroine from Memory Box Secrets, prefers. Also, over the next few weeks, I’ll be …

The Soul-Reaching Power of Music

I’m not a cryer–my closest friends and family will confirm this. Friend Nicole Petrino-Salter even referenced me in a blog post this week, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Apparently, I’ve previously mentioned my “ice queen” status when it comes to emotions. No, I don’t cry at sappy movies. Not even during Marley & Me. Not even when >spoiler alert< Éponine …

Amazing Grace – Playlist Song #6

MERCY … Merriam-Webster defines mercy as “kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly.” In other words, mercy is an unearned pardon. In Chain of Mercy, my hero Richard Brooks is granted mercy, but rather than grasp its freedom, he rejects it. By refusing to accept it, he lets mercy shackle him. This weekend Christians will celebrate …

Chain of Mercy Playlist – Song #2

Forgiveness is an underlying theme in Chain of Mercy as each of the main characters struggles with one aspect of it. The hero, Richard Brooks, cannot accept forgiveness. The heroine, Sheila Peterson, doesn’t realize that what she has done requires forgiveness. And a third main character, Meghan Keene, refuses to forgive. Matthew West wrote the song Forgiveness based upon a …

Story and Music

When I read, the musicality of the prose is vital to my enjoyment of the story. Prose isn’t just words, but it’s cadence, it’s harmony and dissonance, staccato and legato. Stories must crescendo and decrescendo. Some stories fall flat, while others go sharp. Like music, some books are simple, while others are complicated. Some authors take a simple story and …