It’s no secret that I love superhero movies. I’ve become a Marvel fanatic (thanks to my family) and my favorite Disney / Pixar movie is The Incredibles.
But, if you look closely at superheroes, none are great at everything, and they all have their kryptonite. They’re also strongest when they don’t go it alone. Consider The Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, the Hulk. Yes, individually they each have their specialty, but when together, they’re a nearly impenetrable force. As for The Incredibles, they do their best work when teamed up as a family.
Over the last half-century, women have striven to achieve that superhero status as Supermom, and mom’s are told they can do anything and everything. They can hold down full-time jobs and be a full-time mom. They are chauffeur and chef. Scientist and athlete. Musician and author. Housekeeper and nurse. Oh, and I can’t forget loving wife.
All while managing to work out an hour a day and always having perfect hair.
I’ll bet you even know some of these supermoms. You sit next to them at church, PTA, scout meetings, book clubs. And chances are, you sometimes feel inadequate. I know I do. As does Debbie Verhoeven, my heroine in Pieces of Granite.
Debbie is a trained marriage and family therapist-turned full-time mom. Her toddler has asthma, the baby she’s carrying has Down syndrome, and her husband suffers from severe panic attacks. But she handles it all with grace …
Until she can’t handle it on her own anymore.
I often hear people say, “God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.” Honestly, I believe He constantly gives us more than we can handle, and that forces us to rely on Him.
The fact is, no one can do everything well. That perfectly-coiffed, stylishly mother seated next to you? You should see her house! Oh, and then there’s that super-scout leader whose troops are always at the top of cookie sales, plus they’re volunteering everywhere, and they make the most fabulous crafts! But maybe her family life isn’t so super.
Despite what society wants to believe, moms are not and will never be super-human. No matter what they look like on the outside, inside they’re just plain-old human. They are moms who need fellowship. They’re moms who need that firm foundation to hold them up when life gives them more than they can handle. Because it will.
And that’s okay because we all have a true-life superhero to rely on, One who knows us intimately and has no weaknesses. He’s our strength when we’re weak, our friend when we’re lonely, and our teacher when starting something new.
So moms, I give you permission to be imperfect. You don’t have to do everything, be everything. Just be who God created you to be.
No, you’re not Supermom, but you are a mom and that’s special enough.
Comments 4
A long, long time ago I figured out I couldn’t be perfect. So I stopped trying. I give myself room to be imperfect, and when those ‘perfect’ moments happen it’s just a bonus.
Good for you, Dawn! And I’m with you 100%. I just see too many women who think they can do it all, and we can’t.
God constantly gives us more than we can handle, and that forces us to rely on Him. That blew me away. Mom’s and Dad’s feel that have to be everything for their family. I know I do. I am slowly re-learning to lean on God. Thanks Bren.
😀 Thank you! Love You!