It’s November. That means Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks, Christmas decorations are already popping up in stores, and snow is creeping into the forecast. But for writers, November is also the time for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).
The purpose of the exercise is to get writers writing, with a goal of completing a novel or 50,000 words in a month. Since my novels are usually over 90,000 words, 50 K will only get me about half way through, but that would be an amazing start!
My goal for NaNo isn’t so much getting half a novel written, but learning to enjoy writing again. It’s been a long while, going on two years, since I’ve penned keepable words. With all the non-writing junk authors have to deal with, especially in indie publishing, my joy for writing has evaporated to nearly nothing.
But my readers are asking when my next novel will be out, which is wonderful incentive! My Where the Heart Is series is planned out, and the first two books are written (book one was a Genesis Finalist), but book number three has been a struggle. Anyway, it’s time to get writing again, and hopefully recapture the passion I had for my Coming Home series.
I’ve had a slow start–my total word count as of right now is 2287, but that’s 2287 words I didn’t have penned two days ago. Now to keep it going …
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? What is your ultimate goal?
Comments 8
I can no longer do all the self-stuff with Indie publishing for precisely the reasons you gave, Bren. It’s more than I want to do. When I was younger? Yeah, probably. The truth is I just want to do the writing part – like so many others. I want someone else to do the publishing part – even in self-publishing like all of mine are. So there’s that.
You make a good point about re-establishing the desire to complete a work, to regroup and enjoy the passion of creating story. I need to go there. Soon. And not be concerned with the after-part. Just write.
Good post, Bren. I’ll start prayin’ for ya in this. I didn’t know you’d hit a “snag”.
Thanks, Nicole, for your prayers. 🙂
All the marketing junk is a time & passion stealer. I’ll be very happy if I get in 1000 words per day, as I’m having to drag each word from my brain, and they don’t want to come out!;-) And I definitely won’t be writing every day, I’d be ecstatic to get 15 days of writing in.
Hi Brenda,
I’m doing a partial NaNoWriMo this year. I was halfway through a book I needed to finish, so my goal is to complete it. So word count around 30,000 and then editing.
Good goals, Michelle! I’ll be rooting for you!
I always look forward to the last 1/3 of a book–that’s when writing really seams to flow for me. It’s the first 1/3 that’s painful. 🙂
Middle third for me.
That’s pretty typical–authors run into that sagging middle. 🙂 But I’m usually going pretty good by the middle 1/3, then I can’t wait to finish!
I took the plunge and started NaNoWriMoI started out with a Novelization my Dad’s letters from the South Pacific during WWII. It has turned into a Inspirational Romance of two people from same area of Texas who met on the roof of the Embassy at the fall of Saigon. To the discovery of the woman’s father’s letters .
My user name is Linderellar if you want to be my writing buddy.
That sounds fascinating, Linda! Good for you for taking the plunge! I’ll look you up on the NaNo site. 🙂