All That Really Matters – a Review

All That Really Matters (McKenzie Family Romance, #1)All That Really Matters by Nicole Deese
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Confession: How this book came to be in my at-home to-read paperback pile, I don’t recall. I’m not a girly girl who loves stories of fashion and makeup and Pinterest boards. And contemporary romance is usually too romancy for me. Yet, when it came time to choose the next book from my toppling to-read pile, this is the one I chose.

I didn’t have high hopes–I was a bit like Silas in the beginning as I wanted substance not sparkle. Yet, once I read the first page, I hurried to the next, and the next, and I kept flipping pages as I got to know Molly and Silas and saw glimpses into each of their hearts and heartbreaks of the very fleshed-out characters. Molly was far more relatable than I would have imagined.

I love the concept of The Bridge, and that helped draw me into the story.

I also really appreciated the romance aspect of the story. It wasn’t gush at first sight, rather the love grew slowly, realistically.

The one minor issue I had was there was a bit of a muddling middle where the story was easier to put down, but once I got past that, I put aside all chores so I could finish the book.

So bravo, Nicole Deese, for winning over this non-girly-girl to Molly’s side. Now I’m off to purchase the brother’s story…


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