*** 2012 ACFW Genesis Semi-Finalist *** A family's foundation is shaken when their unborn daughter receives a challenging diagnosis.
2012 ACFW Genesis Semi-Finalist
A distressing diagnosis
A retreating husband
A prodigal brother
Marriage counselor Debbie Verhoeven excels at piecing broken families together, so she never imagined her own perfect family could be fractured.
When Debbie learns the child she’s carrying has Down syndrome, she takes the news in stride, but her husband, Jerry, begins suffering debilitating panic attacks that strike at his marriage, family, and faith.
Struggling to hold her family together, Debbie turns to her older brother for support, but he suggests the unthinkable. With no one else to turn to, her once-strong faith begins to crumble.
For the first time in her life, Debbie needs someone to lean on, but who is left to be strong for her?
Praise for Pieces of Granite ~
“Brenda Anderson’s realistic, flawed characters and messy life situations drag the reader on a rollercoaster ride of emotions in this story of what happens when the strong one everyone leans on begins to spiral. A page turning tale of one woman’s journey of relinquishing control and finding her true self.” — Award-winning author, Shannon Taylor Vannatter
Reviews ~