The Stay-At-Home-Mom’s Job Hunt

your careerTwenty-one years ago, just days before my daughter was born (she came 13 days early!), I quit my full time job to be a full-time mom. It wasn’t because we were wealthy. Far from it. We just believed our children would benefit the most from me being there full time.

I briefly held a part-time job as a receptionist at a car dealership, but I spent most of my hours looking for something to do. I also sold Christmas Around the World products for a number of years. It was the perfect job. I worked from July to the first part of December and set my own hours. For years, that work paid for Christmas and it gave me the much-needed break from an otherwise 24-hour-a-day job.

I spent many hours volunteering at school and church. I helped out with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sports, etc. When my youngest graduated from elementary school, I decided it was time to contribute to the family’s income and cut back on the volunteering. Just something part time so I could be at home when the kids got off school would be perfect. I picked up an application from the Christian bookstore that had just opened in our city, but rather than fill that out, I started writing.

For over seven years, I’ve been writing and have always been there when my kids got off the bus. Even when they’re teens, that’s important.

But this fall, my two oldest will be in college, the youngest is in his senior year of high school. They all have jobs. And my full-time mom position is coming to an end. 🙁 So, it’s time to look for something different.

I sat at my computer and looked up resume writing for the stay-at-home mom (SAHM). What do you put on it when you have virtually no employment for 21 years? And calling myself a Domestic Engineer or CHO (Chief Home Officer) doesn’t fly. I’ve done a lot of volunteer work, but most of it isn’t resume-worthy. I’m a blogger and unpublished author–I’ll include that, but I wonder how much weight that carries. Does my degree mean anything anymore?

Will I be limited to retail or direct sales? We shall see …

I don’t regret being a SAHM. My kids have grown up respectful and strong in their faith. They’re not afraid to pursue their dreams. They even like spending time with me and my husband! How many parents can say that of their teens & twenty-somethings? So, yeah, no regrets whatsoever.

But now it’s time to move on, follow where God leads. It should be an interesting journey.

Are you a SAHM? Have you returned to work after being a SAHM for a number of years? I’d love to hear your story.

Comments 6

  1. I know whatever you choose or find to do, you will be an asset. And I doubt it will take you long to get to wherever that opportunity is. You’re too hardworking, too valuable, with too many abilities to be overlooked for long.

  2. I went back to work full-time last year after staying at home with my two daughters. If we didn’t need the money, I wouldn’t have done it. I was fortunate to get a teaching position at their private school, so I still saw my girls during the day and we were on the same schedule, but it was still very challenging. The first time my 6th grader set off on a field trip with her class I cried in the copy room because I couldn’t go. This year my oldest starts high school, so she’ll be at a different school. I’m interested to see how much of an effect that has on how often I see her.

    The other challenge was the home life. With me working full-time, the house was a disaster. My husband took over much of the cooking, but I missed taking care of my home and doing all the little things (like baking) that I enjoyed doing for my family.

    1. Jill, how wonderful that you were able to secure a job at your daughters’ school. When the kids were young, I figured if I needed a job, that would be the first place I’d look.

      Maybe your writing career will take off like your heroine’s career did in your debut release. (That’s Two-Room Flat by Jill Urbach, for those of you who love a fun & adventurous romance.) Then you’ll get to stay home & write. 🙂

      I think my biggest challenge will be working for someone, and working scheduled hours. I love working independently. I crave flexibility & love setting my own hours. Maybe I should look into direct sales again …

  3. I’m with you on the job hunt, Brenda. I am eternally grateful I was able to stay home with our kids, but it certainly makes for a challenge when re-entering the workforce. I’ll keep my eyes open for jobs I think you might like. Blessings, my friend.

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