Can a senator's daughter and a convict's son overcome their differences and learn what it means to love?
She’s a senator’s daughter.
He’s a convict’s son.
Both have a heart for the homeless, but their methods of serving are decidedly different.
Can they overcome their differences and learn what it really means to serve and to love?
Realtor Dani Chamberlain’s passion for bringing attention to the homeless, regardless of the method, has once again backfired. Along with being sentenced to one-hundred hours of community service feeding the homeless, she’s also being kicked out of her home—by her own mother! She has less than two months to find a new place, or she’ll be living on the street herself.
Once a homeless teen, Austin Lang is now a school teacher and coordinator of the Family Table Meal for the homeless in his community. And he can’t wait to purchase his own home. When Dani Chamberlain breezes into the Family Table Meal wearing high heels and a haughty attitude, his life and plans are upended.
Dani is instantly drawn to the quiet, selfless man who puts his faith into action, and Austin can’t stop his attraction to the passionate woman who dives in to help people without thought to her own safety. Along with working together serving the community, they join forces to search for their new homes, deepening their attraction.
Then each of them receive news that shakes their foundations and threatens to tear them apart permanently. Can they overcome their differences and learn what it really means to serve and to love?
HOME ANOTHER WAY is Book 18 of “The Potter’s House Books,” stories of love, hope, redemption, and second chances.
All books can stand alone and can be read in any order.
Please check PottersHouseBooks.com for release dates.