In my latest release, Hungry for Home, one of the prominent themes is the importance of spending time with those you love. With three kids who have suddenly become adults, and with parents who are struggling with aging issues, recognizing that life “…happens in a blink” is ever present. Make time to be with those you love, because in a blink, they …
It Happened in a Blink
Yesterday our youngest had his last day of high school. Forever. He graduates on Sunday, then in the fall, he heads off to college. I look back over his 18+ years and wonder where did the time go? What happened to that roly-poly baby, that twinkling-eyed toddler? He’s now a young man whom I look up to, both literally and …
Some time off …
With my son graduating high school this coming Sunday, and the graduation party a week later, I’m taking a two week break from the blog. I’ll see you again on June 11! In the meantime, for all the parents out there who’ve watched their children grow up in a mere blink, here’s a reminder to cherish every moment with them. …