All That Really Matters – a Review

All That Really Matters by Nicole Deese My rating: 5 of 5 stars Confession: How this book came to be in my at-home to-read paperback pile, I don’t recall. I’m not a girly girl who loves stories of fashion and makeup and Pinterest boards. And contemporary romance is usually too romancy for me. Yet, when it came time to choose …


I’m a bit late in sharing this, but you still have a day to enter. Sounds Like a Plan is touring with JustRead Publicity Tours July 9 – 13. Visit all the reader blogs to find excerpts, reviews, & more plus an opportunity to win a lovely bookish prize. You’ll find all the sites listed here: Sounds Like a Plan …

Happy 10th Anniversary Chain of Mercy!

It’s hard to believe, but my debut novel, Chain of Mercy, came out just over ten years ago! In the time since, I’ve released fourteen novels and have had short stories published in six anthologies (plus a new anthology releasing in July). That’s without having published a novel since 2021. Chain of Mercy also remains my bestseller over these ten …

Risking Love – New Cover plus Bonus Content!

Check out this beautiful new cover for Risking Love! Evelyne Labelle at Carpe Librum Book Design perfectly captured the tone of the story. This edition also includes bonus content that wasn’t in the original book. Some of you may have already read it separately in a bonus short titled, A Risky Proposal. About Risking Love ~ She holds the key …

2024 Reading Challenge

Like any other self-respecting author, I’ve accumulated my share of un-read books. I always have the best of intentions to whittle that pile down, but alas, it just keeps growing faster than I can read. This year, though, I’m making a public proclamation that I plan to reduce that toppling pile to zero. Okay, that doesn’t mean I won’t be …