
Last week I was fortunate to escape home to spend five days at a quiet writing retreat. All by myself! For a writer on deadline, it was perfect. I spent the time editing my next release, Memory Box Secrets, having received full manuscript critiques from my critique partners. (I’m interrupting this post to say I have The Best critique partners. Period. Thank you, …

What True Love Is …

Today I celebrate 27 years together with my husband, Marvin. It’s been a fast 27 years, filled with a lot of ups and downs (mostly ups!) and a whole bunch of everyday moments. It’s living and loving through those everyday moments–doing dishes, mowing the lawn, changing diapers, etc.–when the euphoria of love has quieted, that shows what true love really is. I’ve …

Chain of Mercy at Target Field

Chain of Mercy Visits Target Field

One of the things I enjoy about being an author is placing my characters in some of my favorite Minnesota locales. That’s something many of my readers have commented on–they’ve loved revisiting those sites in my book. One location that plays a significant role in Chain of Mercy is Target Field, the home of our Minnesota Twins. (One of the best …

It Happened in a Blink

Yesterday our youngest had his last day of high school. Forever. He graduates on Sunday, then in the fall, he heads off to college. I look back over his 18+ years and wonder where did the time go? What happened to that roly-poly baby, that twinkling-eyed toddler? He’s now a young man whom I look up to, both literally and …

Have a Blessed New Year!

How are you spending the final minutes of 2013? With friends? Family? By yourself? Our celebration may look humdrum to others, but it’s a day our family anticipates each year. It’s a day we spend together–bowling and watching movies. As our children get older (21, 19, & 17), I realize that these times are to be cherished–it won’t be long …