Celebrating 25 Years Together!

Twenty-five years ago today at 3:32 pm in Zion Lutheran Church in Annandale, Minnesota, Pr. John Temple said those famous words to Marvin and me, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” And then I aimed for the escape of the aisle (I really don’t like being the center of attention) completely forgetting the “kiss” part … but Marvin remembered. 😉 …

Coaster Crazy Kids

A few weeks back my husband and I took our kids on their dream vacation: a trip to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio. This park is known for its plethora of roller coasters–15, I believe–many of which are extreme. My four kids (that includes my husband) LOVE extreme coasters. Take, for example, Top Thrill Dragster. This ride shoots …

A Fun Google Alert!

Usually when I receive Google Alerts about my name, Brenda Anderson, they’re for a reporter from the Langley Times, so I almost deleted today’s alert without looking. Good thing I didn’t. This Brenda Anderson alert was actually about me! The alert’s headline read, “Coon Rapids Writer is Finalist in National Contest”. So I click the link and voila! There’s an …

Maelstrom of Music and Dance

If money weren’t an issue, my one indulgence would likely be the theater. The Minneapolis-St. Paul area is rich with theatrical and musical options–I’d love to experience them all! So, when I was given an opportunity to attend the opening night of Fela! at the Ordway in St. Paul, I jumped on it. I’d never heard of Fela! before this …

Don’t Blink

Two days ago, our daughter turned 20. In the fall she begins her third year of college. We blinked and our cherub-cheeked baby became a beautiful young woman. Today is our boys’ last day of high school. At the end of the day we’ll officially have one senior and one junior in the house. In a mere two years, my …

Snoopy Dancing!

Snoopy Dancing … Yep, that was me yesterday! Funny thing is, if you would have told me a couple years ago that my contemporary romance would final in ACFW’s Genesis contest for unpublished authors, I would have laughed at you. You see, my specialty is general/contemporary fiction (think relational dramas) with a male protagonist. I do that very well but, …

Running the Writing Race

Come on over to my Spire Reviews blog today as I’m talking about persevering even when you’re not seeming to go anywhere, and all seems hopeless. There is a payoff! https://spirereviews.blogspot.com/2012/04/perseverance-pay-off.html


Yesterday was a good day–no, make that a great day for my writing career! It began with an e-mail stating that my website was up and I was free to personalize it. It’s still a work-in-progress, but I’m having fun learning and tinkering. And then, shortly after noon, I received the call my gut told me I wasn’t going to …