*** CLARA *** Congratulations, Clara! We’ll get your copy of UNRAVELED by Heidi McCahan right out to you!
Chatting with Heidi McCahan
I’m very excited to welcome fellow Winslet Press author, Heidi McCahan, to my blog today! Heidi has also offered to give away a copy of her debut release UNRAVELED. See specifics below on how to enter. Please welcome her! Hi Heidi! Thank you for stopping by today. Can you tell my readers a little about yourself? I’m a wife to …
Chain of Mercy Officially Releases!!!
Can you believe it? We’re Snoopy Dancing in our home today as my debut novel Chain of Mercy officially releases! There’s music in the background … check out my playlist here. I’ve got refreshments: chocolate (Lindt Lindor Truffles) and Fig Newtons (yes, I said Fig Newtons! My heroine Sheila Peterson loves them.) I have streamers, party hats, noise makers And …