Lessons From Our Cat – Just Be Yourself

I love watching our cat, Kisses. She’s totally got a *catitude*. One minute she’s jumping on your lap and swabbing your face in kisses, then suddenly she’s nipping at your fingers. During the day, she sleeps and sleeps and sleeps and looks adorable doing so, curled up in a ball on my office chair or stretched out on our bed. But when …

What True Love Is …

Today I celebrate 27 years together with my husband, Marvin. It’s been a fast 27 years, filled with a lot of ups and downs (mostly ups!) and a whole bunch of everyday moments. It’s living and loving through those everyday moments–doing dishes, mowing the lawn, changing diapers, etc.–when the euphoria of love has quieted, that shows what true love really is. I’ve …

Novel Anticipation – August 2014

August is a very light month for new releases that interest me. No contemporaries, which are always my favorite, but there are a couple of historicals by seasoned authors, that I would recommend. SWEET ON THE COWGIRL by Rose Ross Zediker Heartsong Presents Rose is a fellow contributor at Inkspirational Messages. This is her second release this year! Way to go, Rose! …

The Soul-Reaching Power of Music

I’m not a cryer–my closest friends and family will confirm this. Friend Nicole Petrino-Salter even referenced me in a blog post this week, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Apparently, I’ve previously mentioned my “ice queen” status when it comes to emotions. No, I don’t cry at sappy movies. Not even during Marley & Me. Not even when >spoiler alert< Éponine …

Field Trip Time!

I’m fortunate to be part of a fantastic local writers group, MN NICE (Novelists Inspiring Christian Excellence), the Minnesota chapter of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). We’re scheduled to meet once per month–usually we invite a speaker or teacher to share with us, but about once a year we escape the meeting room and take a field trip. (Is that what …

Crafty Kindle Cover

Those of you who know me, know that I’m not crafty. Honestly, doing crafts induces rather reduces stress, so I actively avoid crafting. Yet, every once in a while I get the itch to try something, and I’m thrilled when it turns out. Now to be completely honest, I have attempted this craft before (go >here<), but I’ve modified this …

The Significance of the Veil

Today, I’m a click away, posting at Inkspirational Messages. We’ve spent the last couple of weeks talking about objects in the Bible (i.e. the alabaster jar, the widow’s offering, Light, and more), and the role they play in our lives. I’m sharing a brief history about the veil that was torn in the temple when Jesus died, and its significance …