One of the things I enjoy about being an author is placing my characters in some of my favorite Minnesota locales. That’s something many of my readers have commented on–they’ve loved revisiting those sites in my book. One location that plays a significant role in Chain of Mercy is Target Field, the home of our Minnesota Twins. (One of the best …
Meet Kate from Sandra Orchard’s BLIND TRUST
Back in April, Author Sandra Orchard introduced me to the concept of character interviews on her blog when she interviewed Richard from Chain of Mercy. It was so much fun, I had to return the favor! It’s a terrific way to get more insight into the characters in a novel, hopefully convincing you to read the book. 🙂 So today …
It Happened in a Blink
Yesterday our youngest had his last day of high school. Forever. He graduates on Sunday, then in the fall, he heads off to college. I look back over his 18+ years and wonder where did the time go? What happened to that roly-poly baby, that twinkling-eyed toddler? He’s now a young man whom I look up to, both literally and …
Novel Anticipation, June 2014
A WOMAN OF FORTUNE (Texas Gold #1) by Kellie Coates Gilbert (Revell) Texas socialite Claire Massey is living the dream–designer clothes, luxury cars, stunning homes. But everything comes crashing down when her charming cattle broker husband is arrested for fraud. Suddenly she finds herself facing attorneys, a media frenzy, and a trail of broken hearts. Betrayed and humiliated, Claire must …
And the Winner of Trevelyan is …
*** Susan P! *** Congratulations, Susan! I know you’ll enjoy Naomi Musch‘s story! Winner selected using
Find Your Wings – A Graduation Prayer
Graduation season is in full bloom in our household. Our daughter has just graduated college, and our son–our youngest–will graduate high school in a little over a week. While this season brings many lasts, it also gives birth to exciting firsts. And as our children young adults move on to new ventures, it’s best to send them on backed with prayer. For …
Chatting with Naomi Musch
I’m excited to welcome Naomi Musch to my blog! Naomi is one of those gifted authors who excels in writing across genres. She has previously published historical and women’s fiction, and her latest release Trevelyan is considered Young Adult / New Adult (fantasy). I can’t wait to read it! Naomi has graciously offered to give away an ebook copy of …
Blog Hopping Today!
No, I don’t usually post on Fridays, but I’m doing some blog-hopping today and thought you might want to come say “Hi.” At Inkspirational Messages, in celebration of Lorna Seilstad‘s new release While Love Stirs, we’ve been talking about birth order and how that affects who we are. I’m the third of seven in my family, but my traits are …